Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP)

The Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP) - most commonly known as the City’s Zero Waste Plan - lays out a long term plan through 2030 for the City’s solid waste programs, policies and environmental infrastructure. Investment in such infrastructure will help to achieve Mayor Garcetti’s goals as outlined in the Mayor’s Sustainability Plan and will create jobs in the local economy.

Zero Waste Chart ImageThe Solid Waste Integrated Resources Plan (SWIRP) is a stakeholder-driven process and long-range master plan for solid waste management in the City of Los Angeles (City). SWIRP proposes an approach for the City to achieve a goal of 90 percent diversion by 2025. These targeted diversion rates would be implemented through an enhancement of existing policies and programs, implementation of new policies and programs, and the development of future facilities to meet the City’s recycling and solid waste infrastructure needs over a  20-year planning period.

SWIRP stakeholders established their vision through the adoption of twelve guiding principles. These guiding principles were developed through an extensive public outreach process, bringing together more than 3,000 stakeholders throughout the City during more than 250 meetings, workshops, and citywide conferences.

SWIRP Guiding Principles

1. Education to decrease consumption
2. City leadership as a model for Zero Waste practices 
3. Education to increase recycling 
4. City leadership to increase recycling 
5. Manufacturer Responsibility
6. Consumer responsibility 
7. Convenience
8. Incentives
9. New, safe, technology
10. Protect public health and environment
11. Equity
12. Economic efficiency