Clean Water Education

"Don't Flush That" Campaign

Our sewer system carries wastewater to one of four water reclamation plants, where it is highly treated and discharged into the river or ocean. Flushing anything but human waste and toilet paper can cause blockages, back ups, and sewer line breaks. Unfortunately, when this happens, untreated sewage can enter the storm drain system and impact our beaches.

You can help protect our waterways, beaches, and the environment. Please don't litter, and never use your toilet as a trash can. Unused medicine and sharps such as needles and lancets can be dropped off at SAFE Centers across the city.

If you're on social media, please help us share the message by reposting the graphics with taglines - #DontFlushThat and #WipesClogPipes

We also have some materials available at the bottom of this page in the downloads section.  

Please right click to save the image. 

Don't Flush That - Band Aid Don't Flush That - RX Don't Flush That - Syringe

Don't Flush That - No Trash Don't Flush That - Cigarette Don't Flush That - Floss

Don't Flush That - Wipes

Please feel free to download and print the "Don't Flush That" trifold brochure.